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  • How to Cultivate Positive Relationships

    No matter how independent you may be, it’s important to✨ build healthy relationships with your immediate and extended family members, friends, and coworkers.

    Research suggests that when you foster connections with those around you, it can:

    • Improve your self-esteem
    • Make you more cooperative, empathetic, and trusting
    • Strengthen your immune systems (your ultimate detoxification
    • Extend your lifespan
    • Reduce your risk of developing anxiety and depression

    How to Build Healthy Relationships

    Different types of relationships require different approaches. For instance, you should likely treat your coworkers differently than your immediate family members. With that said, taking the following steps may help you to nurture ➕positive relationships with many people in your life:

    • Use healthy communication skills, such as talking through issues (rather than letting them fester) and actively listening to the other person.
    • Find ways to express that you appreciate the other person’s efforts.
    • Follow through on your promises.
    • Be sensitive to the other person’s emotions and treat them with compassion, especially when they’re going through a difficult time.
    • Remain open-minded and avoid jumping to conclusions.
    • Set aside time to spend with the other person that’s free of distractions.
    • When a problem arises, take responsibility for your role in it and sincerely apologize (and forgive the other person for whatever they may have done to contribute to the issue).

    Start Improving Your Relationships

    It’s important to have healthy relationships in your life. If you need help fostering connections, contact me today. I have a variety of therapy services, including individual, couples, and group that can help support you in achieving your

    💛Relationships Goals💛