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  • 4 Ways To Stop Your Inner Critic

    Do you have an inner critic taking up space, creating noise in your mind?


    That voice in your head that constantly judges you, puts you down and compares you to others it says are “better than you.”


    The one that tells you you’re not good enough or smart enough and says things you would never dream of saying to another person.


    It’s common to think this inner critic, while annoying, is relatively harmless. The truth is your inner critic is causing more harm than you think.


    That inner critical voice limits you and stops you from living the life you truly desire. It destroys your emotional well-being and, if left unchecked, can even lead to depression or anxiety.


    Here are 4 ways you can silence that inner critic and stop beating yourself up:


    1. Give it Attention

    To gain control over your inner critic, you need to know that it exists. Most times, your thoughts are automatic and happening without your awareness. It’s possible, you barely notice a critical thought has passed.


    Take a moment to notice what thoughts are going through your mind, all of them. This will help you catch your critical voice in action.


    To know your inner critic more intimately, here are four clues that can tell you your inner critic is in full force, wreaking havoc on your emotions: whenever you feel-

    ·       doubt

    ·       guilt

    ·       shame, and

    ·       worthlessness

    These are obvious signs of your inner critic at work.


    2.     Separate Yourself from Your Inner Critic

    Your inner critic is like a parasite, feeding off you. You were not born with this parasite but acquired it along the way from outside influences.

    Your inner critic wants to blend in with all the rest of your thoughts and have you thinking the negative thoughts you are having a true part of you.


    This is far from true, and the healing source within you did not create these negative thoughts.


    One way to separate yourself from this misguided voice is to give your critic a name. Have fun with this naming. You could call your inner critic anything you would like. The name is not what matters.


    The act of giving your inner critic a name is a physical way to help you learn to separate it from your authentic self.


    3.     Talk Back

    To take power away from your inner critic, do not ignore it and allow it to say whatever it wants.


    As soon as you recognize your inner critic is speaking to you, shut it down immediately.


    You can tell the voice you know it is not speaking truth; it is not helping you, and you release it from your mind. Tell your inner critic that you are choosing to be kind to yourself from now on.


    Self-compassion is like repellent to an inner critic.


    For extra reinforcement, put it in writing. Writing is a powerful way to help your brain create and strengthen new pathways for your mind.


    4.     Create a New Inner Voice

    Has your inner critic been with you for years? If you want to release this dark, hurtful voice in your mind, you need to have a powerful ally on your side.


    This means you will need to create an even more powerful inner voice. One that is on your side and acts as your most loving, supportive friend.


    To create this new voice, start noticing the good things about yourself and write them down. No matter what that nasty critic said about you, the truth is you have great traits and abilities. Start focusing on those.


    Yes, it will be hard at first to let yourself see You in a positive light, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes.


    Your time here on this earth is unpromised and goes by quickly. To have the most fulfilling life possible, the habit of spending your time on beating yourself up must go. Take these 4 steps to begin teaching yourself how to quiet that inner critic. Your best you is waiting to be celebrated.


    Some people’s inner critic is stronger than others. Sometimes the greatest ally you can have in your corner is an impartial third party, a therapist, like me, who can see you for who you really are.


    If you or a loved one could use some help putting a stop to your inner critic and would like to explore therapy, get in touch with me. I would be happy to speak with you about how I can help.