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  • 4 Ways to Improve Communication in Your Relationship

    Are you and your significant other struggling with frequent conflict in your relationship?


    Maybe you’re spending less time with each other, and you’ve grown apart. Or maybe you do little else than argue these days.


    All relationships go through their ups and downs. Regardless of the good intentions you two may have or how in love you were when the relationship began, it’s possible for a relationship to have challenges at times.


    Your relationship has the potential to be strengthened by challenges, especially if the communication between you and your partner is healthy.


    Here are 4 ways to improve communication in your relationship:


    By following these communication tips, you will be able to strengthen your relationships.



    1. Recognize the Change


    It’s important to be open and honest with yourself and each other. Don’t deny that something has changed in your relationship, admit it openly.


    You may also need to recognize that each of you has changed over the years.


    None of us stays the same. Our wants, needs, passions, annoyances, etc. change as we mature and grow as people. It’s easier to adapt to this change when you acknowledge it has happened.


    2. Validate Each Other’s Feelings


    There are two words that are very powerful in communication, “Yes, and…”


    Effective communication is not about one person being right and the other wrong.


    You and your partner may both have points that are right, and you are each allowed to feel your feelings. Make a strong effort not to attack your partner or get them to compromise on issues.


    Instead, focus on simply being heard and hearing your partner.


    It’s helpful to take a moment to reflect and gain clarity on your intentions. Ask yourself what you are attempting to get from your partner and how will you handle their response?


    Another thing to consider is asking for permission to start up a conversation that may potentially be emotionally vulnerable. For example, you may say something like:


    I need help solving a problem/ I need support/ I need reassurance. Can we talk

    about __(fill in the blank)___________ sometime today? or can you let me

    know when would be a good time for you?


    3. Be Ready to Change


    Having great communication does not mean you will get your partner to change their ways. Good communication is not about winning an argument. 


    Your goal is to better share your thoughts, feelings, ideas, hopes and struggles with each other. Change the focus from trying to get your partner to change to how your own behavior could change. Be empowered by the fact that the personal responsibility you take and how you execute this in your actions can be highly influential. We are often moved to change because of the positive changes we see in others.


    4. Breathe


    Managing your emotions is one of the most important skills when it comes to interpersonal interaction.


    How often are you ready to burst in anger when you and your spouse or partner are speaking to each other?


    How does the communication breakdown once you or your partner have become emotional in a negative way?


    When communicating with your partner, or anyone, and you feel your emotions rise to a negative level, stop, take a slow, deep breath, and let it out.


    Taking this moment is important and will help you not to say something you’ll regret or that will escalate the situation.


    None of us are perfect. At the same time, it’s important to evolve to our full potential if we want to experience all the best in life on this earth.

    The best we can do is make an effort to be the highest version of ourselves we can be for ourselves and our loved ones.